Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Wonderous World of Organic Facials and Scrubs

All of us dream of smooth and radiant skin. From high-end to drugstore products, we have tried and tested several products in hopes of finding the perfect one. However, recently, we have gradually shifted from chemically produced cosmetics to more organic ones. According to recent studies, the value of organic and natural products have increased to 38 billion dollars in 2020. By 2027, the value is estimated to reach a whopping 54 billion dollars. This paradigm shift is primarily due to a better understanding of wellness, beauty, and health. When comparing organic and chemical products, there's a higher level of trust for the former. At 72 Hotel, we know and understand the potential of natural products, and that's why we incorporate organic aromatherapy, facials, and scrubs at the Ellipse Spa.   

The Ellipse Spa at 72 Hotel is a sanctuary tucked away in the bustling city of Sharjah. From the interior to the aroma, everything is designed to offer you the epitome of tranquility. Certainly, organic facials and scrubs are our customer's favorite. If you haven't tried organic facials and scrubs, then here are a few reasons why you will surely love them! 

Benefits of Organic Facials  

• Develops a smooth and youthful skin tone 

• Helps retain skin elasticity and moisture  

• Reduces redness and frequency of acne  

• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles  

• Unclog pores 

Benefits of Organic Scrubs  

• Promotes efficient circulation and skin cell turnover  

• Removes dead skin from the skin's surface  

• Smooths and softens dry skin  

• Draws out impurities 

• Clears congestion  

As you can see, there are several benefits to organic facials and scrubs. So, on your next visit to 72 Hotel, drop by at the Ellipse Spa and get the radiant skin you dream!